
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

London on April 29

Senior officers say that 60 anarchists arrested during the TUC march last month have bail conditions that prevent them entering central London from two days before the wedding until two days after.
Police ''spotters'' who are normally used to combat football hooligans will watch those on bail, and other anarchists who have committed public order offences at demonstrations, to ensure they are not planning to disrupt the event.
If intelligence shows that groups or individuals are planning to cause trouble in London on the wedding day they could be arrested beforehand on conspiracy charges.
Others will be warned to stay away from central London on April 29.
A police source said: ''The same faces often reappear at different protests and we will try and take a pre-emptive strike against them.''
A group of Muslim extremists has applied to hold a protest outside Westminster Abbey on the day of the wedding at which supporters would burn the Union flag. The request, by Muslims Against Crusades, was matched by the English Defence League, which says it plans to counter any protest held by the Muslim group.

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