
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Charity offers a new lease of life for Warminster man

 Jason Bishop, 34, was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia when he was 15, and spent the next 15 years in and out of psychiatric hospitals.

When he reached 30 he was referred to the charity’s accommodation service in Warminster, which provides a home for mental health patients to keep them out of hospital and off the streets.

He said: “The people there were extremely supportive and taught me life skills such as cooking and looking after myself, both mentally and physically.

“After two years there, I felt I could take responsibility for my life. I have been living independently, albeit with a few hours support a week, for 18 months now and I’m very happy.”

People with schizophrenia, as well as other illnesses such as manic depression, are known to have difficulty coping with social situations, and many are unemployed and homeless.

Rethink’s accommodation centre on The Mead, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary, aims to help sufferers overcome their symptoms to lead a more normal life.

It boasts communal lounges and a garden alongside its six individual rooms, where residents can learn skills to help them live independently.

Care worker Richard Bartholomew, who has worked for the charity for more than three years, said: “Our aim is to empower people to manage their condition themselves as far as possible. For example, we help them socialise, find work and cook healthily.

“Being a mental health worker is a very inspirational job and we’re proud of what we have achieved in 10 years.

“It’s rewarding to know that mental illness does not have to mean the end of someone’s hopes and dreams.”

Rethink Mental Illness is the largest national voluntary sector provider of mental health services, with about 250 services and more than 150 support groups.

To contact the charity for advice or information on mental illnesses, call 020 7840 3188 or 0300 5000 927 from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday or e-mail

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