
Monday, June 11, 2012

Redirect URLs with Your GoDaddy Hosting Account

 Redirect URLs with Your GoDaddy  Hosting Account
A redirect automatically sends your website's visitors to a chosen destination, either a different location within the same site or a new site entirely. For example, you can redirect visitors from your domain root to a content sub-directory, such as a blog.

Content (files and folders) under the redirect path can be redirected to the destination domain root or the same path on the destination domain or not redirected at all.

NOTE: Only our Linux hosting account offer this URL Redirect feature.
To Redirect URLs with Your Hosting Account

    Log in to your Account Manager.
    Click Web Hosting.
    Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Launch.
    From the Content menu, select URL Redirects.
    Click the New Redirect button. The New Redirect window displays.
    Enter the domain from your account you want to redirect. If you want to redirect all of the domains in your hosting account, check the All domains on this account. Otherwise, enter the directories containing the sites you want to redirect in the Path field.
    Select whether or not you want all instances of your site with or without .www to be redirected. When you're finished, click Next. The To window displays.
    Select if the destination site is http or https and enter the domain name you want to redirect to, as well as the path, if applicable. If the path box is left blank, it will redirect to the root of the domain you entered. Click Next. The Type window appears.
    Select which kind of redirect you want to use.

    NOTE:Redirects can be permanent (a 301 redirect) or temporary (a 302 redirect). Redirect type is communicated to browsers and search engines through the redirecting site's HTTP response. Search engines treat 301 and 302 redirects differently. For more information on redirect pages see What are 301 and 302 redirect pages?.
    Select your content redirect option. This option decides the behavior of your Site Redirect when a visitor goes to a content path of your domain name, such as
        Match path redirects visitors to the same content path of the target domain name. For example, when a visitor goes to, they are redirected to
        Root redirect redirects visitors to the root of the target domain name, ignoring the content path. For example, when a visitor goes to, they are redirected to
        No redirect does not redirect visitors when they go to a content path. For example, when a visitor goes to, they are not redirected and load

Your domain will now be redirected with the options you selected. The redirect can take up to 24 hours to be completed. If you want to change or delete your redirect, simply select the redirect and click Edit or Delete in the toolbar.

Permanent short link for Go Just
Spring Savings! $7.99 .com
Next time for Go Daddy: Easy to you just Dadicated link for Go Just

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