
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Censorship of broadcasting in the United States

Censorship of broadcasting is imposed in the United States on the grounds of national security and to prevent offence.
2001 Clear Channel memorandum
Code of Practices for Television Broadcasters
Fairness Doctrine
Federal Communications Commission v. Fox Television Stations (2009)
Federal Communications Commission v. Fox Television Stations (2012)
Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica Foundation
Standards and Practices

FCC fines of The Howard Stern Show

Specific cases

Sit on My Face
201 (South Park)
Censorship on MTV
The Parents Television Council threatened to file indecency complaints with the Federal Communications Commission against any station that played the Britney Spear song "If U Seek Amy" between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.
Self-censorship was imposed on controversial television series The Book of Daniel by some television stations.

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