
Friday, August 5, 2011

Republican candidates slam Obama after latest unemployment report

Latest jobs report may have shown a decrease in the unemployment rate and an increase in jobs added, but GOP presidential hopefuls say it's not enough, and are laying blame on President Obama.

Michele Bachmann is one such hopeful putting blame on the president.

It's time for the President to admit what the markets, the world, and the American people already know - his trillion dollar stimulus was a failure, the government can't create jobs, and massive spending kills them," Bachmann said in a press release on her website.

Tim Pawlenty addressed both the jobs report and the recent stock market tumble.

"In the last week, the stock market suffered its worst day in years, economic growth was revised down and consumer confidence dropped," Pawlenty said in a statement on his website. "Despite these clear and abundant signs that our economy is floundering, President Obama has still failed to deliver a concrete plan to create jobs and promote growth.

Today's unemployment report represents the 30th straight month that the jobless rate has been above 8 percent,” former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the accepted leader among the GOP pack of aspirants, said in a prepared statement. "The administration promised with their $800-billion stimulus that they would keep unemployment below that number. When you see what this president has done to the economy in just three years, you know why America doesn't want to find out what he can do in eight.”

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty also stressed the leadership issue. "Today's dismal jobs report is a far cry from the hope and change that President Obama promised on the campaign trail,” Pawlenty stated. “This lack of leadership is inexcusable and driving our economy toward decline. It's time for a new president to point us back in the right direction.”

Another Minnesotan, Rep. Michele Bachmann, said Obama's "failed economic policies are digging us deeper into a hole.”

"The president can attempt to blame and spin away this week's bad economic news, but you can't fool the markets,” Bachmann said in a statement. “Mr. President -- the only way to dig us out of this hole your administration has gotten us into is to stop digging."

Not to be outdone, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who is running far behind the GOP leaders, returned to one of the favorite themes designed to attract conservative votes in the Republican primaries, the healthcare overhaul.

"When President Obama should have been focused on creating jobs, he focused on a government-mandated healthcare system that the American people didn't ask for and can't afford," he stated. "America needs a president who knows how to create an economic environment that allows entrepreneurs to thrive and create jobs. This country will never realize its true economic potential until we enact tax cuts, implement regulatory reform and move toward energy independence."

The administration has continued to warn against reading too much into any one monthly jobless report, a theme Austan Goolsbee, the outgoing chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, repeated in a blog post on Friday. He then outlined the administration's proposed plans.

"Bipartisan action is needed to help the private sector and the economy grow -- such as measures to extend both the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance, as well as passing the pending free trade agreements with re-employment assistance for displaced workers, the patent reform bill, and a bipartisan infrastructure bill to help put Americans back to work," he wrote.

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