
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Jennifer Lopez's mom reached out to Ben Affleck

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony’s breakup continue to proliferate. The latest buzz: Marc sought to control his wife’s wardrobe.

Now you would think one major perk of marrying J.Lo would be getting to see her flaunt her famous physical assets, but evidently that wasn’t the case for Marc.

Recently, the crooner found a racy outfit “too sexy and unbecoming for a 40-year-old mother of two,” an Us magazine source said.

The spouses of seven years, and parents of 3-year-old twins, announced their split Friday — after early speculation they wouldn’t last gave way to the image of them as a power couple that wasn’t going anywhere. “He would make her feel terrible about herself if she wanted to wear something sexy,” a second insider said. “He likes her to dress in a demure ‘wife’ style. He hated the fact that she was a sex symbol.”

Yet a third source said, “Marc has always been a very dominating husband. He wants to control everything Jennifer does.

A source told Us Weekly magazine: "Guadalupe reached out to Ben over email. She wanted advice for Jennifer.

"She always liked and trusted him. [Ben] replied back on email, wished her well and offered what he could."

Three days after receiving an email from Ben - who has daughters Violet, five, and two-year-old Seraphina with wife Jennifer Garner - J.Lo announced the end of her marriage.

However, friends insist the 'American Idol' judge - who has three-year-old twins Max and Emme with Marc - is better off without the singer-and-actor.

An insider said: "It was a very bad marriage, and Jennifer got the courage to end things. Marc was a terrible husband."

Those close to Jennifer cite her spouse's jealousy and controlling nature for the problems in their relationship.

One friend said: "Jennifer actually has low self-esteem. And Marc really played into that insecurity. That's why she put up with his abuse for such a long time.

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