Tiffany Berg, author and motivational speaker, has released her first children's book, "If Cancer Was a Fish I'd Throw It Back."
The 18-page, fully illustrated children's book takes the emotions brought on by a cancer diagnosis and exhibits them in a way a child can relate to. Berg, who is from Lehi, compares feelings of fear about cancer to monsters in the closet or wishing you could ignore cancer like you can a phone call or stomping it out like a big hairy spider.
Children's emotional expressions are different than adult expressions, Berg said.
"They worry if cancer is contagious," she said. "Can they touch someone with cancer? Did they get cancer because they were bad? Is that why God hasn't taken it away?"
Berg's husband was diagnosed with cancer in 2004. As she and her five children struggled with a roller coaster of emotions, she said, she wished she had the means to help her children communicate their feelings, whether angry or sad.
"I really wanted our kids to have the vocabulary and permission to talk about how they felt," Berg said.
Her book, "If Cancer Was a Fish," came about after Berg's children lost their dad. Berg wanted other children struggling to understand cancer, whether it be their own diagnosis or that of a loved one, to have the right and the know-how to articulate the way they were feeling.
Educational Coloring Pages has about 10 Fourth of July coloring pages, but what they have looks easy. Free coloring pages include the Liberty Bell, picture of George Washington, and a unique coloring page with a catcher's mitt, baseball and apple pie, that just seems to quote, "As American as Baseball and Apple Pie!"
USA-Printables is an amazing site for high quality free coloring pages. The click and print pages are very detailed and sharp. They have loads of educational 4th of July pages. But the best thing about this free site is every page you open to print has a description and mini history lessons accompanying the coloring pages. The coloring pages ARE the history lessons. Your kids will learn about the Declaration of Independence while they're using the free Fourth of July coloring pages. They'll learn about the songs "The Star-Spangled Banner", and "God Bless America" as they're coloring a 4th of July fireworks worksheet. The Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell, Betsy Ross sewing a flag, and the US Constitution are all here just waiting to be colored!
Crafters in the Providence, Rhode Island area planning to make use of printable 4th of July coloring pages and lesson plans, will love shopping at Joann Fabrics, Michaels Crafts, I-Party, and AC Moore. These craft and party stores are all located on Bald Hill Road in Warwick, RI, and have everything you're looking for to make your own printable Independence Day coloring pages. Staples, Walmart, and Target have reams of printer paper and card stock that are perfect for the crafts listed above.

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