We're told Maria has been unhappy with Arnold for years ... and first planned to split with him back in 2009 ... but her mother passed away and Maria decided to hold off.
Then, we're told, Maria wanted to try to break it off again in January 2011 ... but her father died ... once again putting the split on hold.
Our source tells us Maria is fed up with Arnold's infidelities ... coupled with the fact he's been "impossible" to live with. We're told Maria's kids acknowledge the issues -- and have pushed their mother to call off the marriage.
They have been leading rather separate lives" since Schwarzenegger's term as California governor ended," says TheWrap.com Editor in Chief Sharon Waxman. " ... What has emerged is that Maria has chosen to leave their Brentwood (California) home.
Schwarzenegger has been in the news the last few months for a different reason, as he decides how he will transition back to show-business after nearly eight years in politics, including the character-based thriller Cry Macho and a possible return to the Terminator franchise that first made him a superstar. Last month, he announced in the pages of EW that his first project would be the animated series The Governator, which posited that after ending his career in the governor’s mansion, Schwarzenegger became a high-tech, crime-fighting superhero. “We’re using all the personal elements of Arnold’s life,” explained co-creator Stan Lee. “We’re using his wife Maria Shriver. We’re using his kids. We’re using the fact that he used to be governor.” Schwarzenegger, however, confessed that, as of six weeks ago, Shriver was unaware she was going to be a character on the show. “I have never had a conversation with Maria about any of this,” the former governor said. “It will be a big surprise for her.

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