
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dressing up for the Royal Wedding?

On April 29, the Art Gallery of Sudbury and the Cambrian Foundation are hosting Breakfast with the Royals.

From inside the eDome at Cambrian College, footage of the wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton will be projected onto four screens, and traditional English treats will be served.

Brooke Yeates, chair of the special events committee at the Art Gallery of Sudbury, said this is an opportunity for Sudburians to join in the fun of the Royal Wedding, without having to travel.
Jane Dayus-Hinch, the British wedding planner who hosts Wedding SOS on the Slice Network, said Canadians aren’t the only ones who are getting excited about the big day. “We haven’t really had a royal wedding for so long,” she said while visiting Sudbury during a bridal show in January, noting that this will likely be “the” wedding for today’s generation. “I had Princess Diana — I got married in ‘87, and she got married in ‘81,” Dayus-Hinch said. “It was very ‘80s, and so was Sarah Ferguson — she got married in ‘86.”

Since then, she said there have been royal weddings, “but it wasn’t what the younger bride would look at. Kate Middleton at 29 — she’s 5-10, she’s stunningly beautiful — she will appeal to the modern day bride.

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