
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Kingdom of Afghanistan

Kingdom of Afghanistan (Pashto: د افغانستان واکمنان, Persian: پادشاهي افغانستان) was an Islamic monarchy in south Central Asia reestablished by Mohammed Nadir Shah after executing former leader of the Emirate of Afghanistan, Habibullah Ghazi. Shah's successor was his son, Mohammed Zahir Shah, whose rule started in 1933 and was eventually overthrown by his own cousin Mohammed Daoud Khan who successfully ended the centuries old monarchy and established the Republic. It was under the leadership of Shah that the Afghan government sought relationships with the outside world, most notably with the Soviet Union, United Kingdom and the United States.
The Kingdom had previously existed from 1926 to 1929 ruled by Amanullah Khan and then Inayatullah Khan.
On 27 September 1934, under the leadership of Zahir Shah, the Kingdom of Afghanistan joined the League of Nations. During World War II, Afghanistan remained neutral and pursued a diplomatic policy of non-alignment. Prime Minister of Afghanistan at that time Daoud worked hard for developments of modern industries, and education in the country.

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