
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Go Daddy faces challenge

Go Daddy employee puts on an apron and steps into the "cash machine." The contraption looks something like a telephone booth, but its only function is to spray money at the person inside. The goal: Stuff as many flying, fluttering bills as possible into the apron pockets in 10 seconds.

"Everybody gathers around to watch," said Elizabeth Driscoll, a spokeswoman at
Go Daddy, which helps businesses register domain names and run websites. "It's pretty exciting." When the whirlwind ends, participants usually exit with a few hundred bucks.

Wacky moments like this barely merit a mention next to the company's long, sensational history of stunts. In the 15 years since its founding,
Go Daddy has earned more than its fair share of press, much of it acid-tongued.

There were the Super Bowl ads full of scantily clad women which brought charges of sexism. In 2011, video surfaced of founder Bob Parsons killing an African elephant, part of a regular series of expeditions he says help protect farmers' crops from rampaging pachyderms. And late last year, the company's support for an antipiracy bill opposed by Google, Twitter and other Web giants earned the domain-name company the loathing of the Internet's cognoscenti. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales called the stance unacceptable, and switched his site to a different domain registrar.
Go Daddy
Permanent short link for Go Just
Spring Savings! $7.99 .com
Next time for Go Daddy: Easy to you just Dadicated link for Go Just

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