
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Joe the Plumber' attributes Obama's presidency to Christianity, discusses own faith

Samuel Wurzelbacher, the conservative activist popularly known as “Joe the Plumber,” is circulating a letter praising President Barack Obama‘s life story and crediting Christianity with his “miraculous” ascent to the presidency.

Wurzelbacher is the Republican candidate challenging longtime Ohio Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur. He gained national fame during the 2008 election after he confronted Obama on tax policy during a campaign stop.

The letter, provided to The Daily Caller, strikes a respectful tone, at one point saying that Obama “came to Christ and he is my brother.” Fringe Obama opponents often claim that the president is secretly a Muslim.

“It’s not … well, Christian” to question Obama’s religious faith, wrote Wurzelbacher.

“One of the reasons I really dig Christianity is that it’s so incredibly powerful and amazing,” he wrote. “The lives of millions of people have been given meaning by their faith in Christ. And what better confirmation of that strength do we have than the life story of President Obama?”

Wurzelbacher says he dislikes it when others question whether Obama is a Christian, and says the president should be given "the love and respect the Golden Rule" puts forth.

But the letter hardly constitutes an endorsement of Obama, whose clash with Wurzelbacher at a 2008 campaign appearance thrust the plumber into the political spotlight:

"Imagine being the child of a mixed-race marriage – especially in the turbulent 60’s and free-wheeling '70s. And when you throw in that dad was a Muslim and mom an atheist – you know it could not have been easy – and they were Communists for crying out loud! At age six, young Barry was shipped off to Indonesia and exposed to Islam for several years. His parents divorced, he returned to the U.S. and Barack was placed with his grandparents. By the time he got to college, he was experimenting with cocaine, marijuana and even thought about using heroin."

"Hardly sounds like one who would become President of the United States, the most powerful man in the greatest, most powerful country in the history of the world, does it? It seems against all odds… … almost miraculous?"

Wurzelbacher told the Christian Broadcasting Network that he plans to distribute the letter at churches during his upcoming congressional race. The network also revealed that Wurzelbacher will describe his conversion to Christianity in an upcoming broadcast of the network's "700 Club" television program.

"Not that long ago, I became a Christian," Wurzelbacher's letter said. "It was a magnificent event in my life that transformed me."

The letter also ascribes Obama's election as president to his sudden conversion to Christianity.

"After Barack Hussein Obama suddenly cast-off his Muslim roots, rejected his mother’s disbelief in God, turned tail on the Islam of his early life and converted to Christianity -- BLAM -- he’s elected President. Anyone who believes the two things are not connected is being disingenuous at best. I don’t know how or when it happened, whether when he was partying at college or five minutes before he first decided to run for office, but it doesn’t matter -- he came to Christ and he is my brother."

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