
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Identity management

 Identity management (IdM) describes the management of individual identities, their authentication, authorization, , and privileges/permissions within or across system and enterprise boundaries with the goal of increasing security and productivity while decreasing cost, downtime, and repetitive tasks.
"Identity Management" and "Access and Identity Management" (or AIM) are terms that are used interchangeably under the title of Identity management while Identity management itself falls the umbrella of IT Security.
Identity management systems, products, applications, and platforms are commercial Identity management solutions implemented for enterprises and organizations.
Technologies, services, and terms related to Identity management include Active Directory, Service Providers, Identity Providers, Web Services, Access control, Digital Identities, Password Managers, Single Sign-on, Security Tokens, Security Token Services (STS), Workflows, OpenID, WS-Security, WS-Trust, SAML 2.0, OAuth, and RBAC.


The management of identity raises a certain number of issues, such as privacy issues that may lead to the implementation of a surveillance society (Taylor, Lips & Organ 2009), or risk related to the stealing of identity (identity theft).
The advent of the social web, and in particular the important development of online social networking services, for which the management of their identities of their members represent a core element of these systems, also create a certain number of risks related to the disclosure of personal information (Gross, Acquisti & Heinz 2008), and in particular in losing an individual's privacy (Taylor 2008).


Research related to the management of identity covers a variety of disciplines (such as technology, social sciences, the humanities and the law (Halperin & Backhouse 2009)) and areas, and tries to investigate many different issues (technical, legal, societal, etc.).

European research
Within the Seventh Research Framework Programme of the European Union from 2007 to 2013, several new projects related to Identity Management started. PICOS investigates and develops a state-of-the-art platform for providing trust, privacy and identity management in mobile communities. On the backdrop of an increased risk to privacy of the citizen in the Information Society, PrimeLife will develop concepts and technologies to help individuals to protect their autonomy and retain control over personal information, irrespective of their activities. SWIFT focuses on extending identity functions and federation to the network while addressing usability and privacy concerns, and leverages identity technology as a key to integrate service and transport infrastructures for the benefit of users and the providers.

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