
Friday, July 22, 2011

Lindsay Lohan sued for assault

Lawyers for Dawn Bradley filed the lawsuit in California accusing the star of assault and battery.

She claims she was seriously injured during an argument with the 25-year-old in December and needs surgery on her wrist.

Steve Honig, a spokesman for Lohan, declined to comment on the case.

Dawn Bradley, who is also known by her married name of Dawn Holland, was fired from Betty Ford Centre after talking about the fight with Lohan on camera with a celebrity news website.

A probation report reveals that Bradley had been trying to give Lindsay Lohan a breathalyzer test after she missed curfew and was with two other girls who admitted drinking that night.

The actress was sent to LA's Betty Ford Centre for three months of treatment after failing a drug screening for cocaine and amphetamines.

Meanwhile, a judge has told Lindsay Lohan that she has to spend more time doing community service.

She was warned that she had to finish 480 hours of community service by next April.

She was seeing someone for psychological treatment at UCLA but had to stop for financial reasons.'
In a clear sign the 25-year-old's career is in dire straits, Lohan's lawyer revealed the actress' Screen Actors Guild coverage has lapsed due to lack of work, which meant that she had no health insurance coverage.
However, the prosecution said they found it 'hard to believe' that Lohan could not afford therapy.
Judge Sautner agreed that Lohan was not suitable for group counselling in case someone tried to sell information about her so gave her 21 days to find an appropriate one-on-one therapist.

Judge Sautner said: 'Ms Lohan has been ordered to serve 480 hours of community service.
'That is 45 days at the women's centre and 15 days at a morgue.
'You have done four days. While this is not a violation but you must complete it within a yearyou will not get even five minutes more.
'I will not take into consideration the excuse you were on a film set working, though I don't know your circumstances at the moment and if you are working.
'Though I have read that you are in talks with a movie deal.'
Lohan also had to provide proof that she had been attending an anti-shop lifting class.
Ms Holley told the court that Lohan had been to one session and that she had three more classes to go.
Lohan must appear in court again on October 19 for another update.
Her friend, photographer Tyler Shields, has come defending the actress and says she's just fine.
'Lindsay is in a great frame of mind just now - she is doing really well in fact,' he told Radar Online.
'Lindsay really just wants to get on with her life and I'm sure she will do really well in the new movie about John Gotti - she cannot wait to get started.'
Discussing his new photoshoot with Lindsay and her rumoured new boyfriend Spencer Falls, he added: 'We have had a great reaction to our new photographs and the camera really loves her that is for sure.
'The theme was love and romance and how much it can hurt and obviously we were having a little fun with twisting that concept a little.
'Both Lindsay and Spencer were real troopers because we shot the images during the early hours of the morning so there would be no traffic.
'As soon as I had taken that photograph of her and him in the car I knew we had a really strong image - she looks fantastic.

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