
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Captain America’ Cast Convince Ladies to See Film for,Sincere Love Story

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --It was Chris Evans’ night on Monday at the premiere of “Captain America: The First Avenger,” and his fellow superhero co-stars assembled on the red carpet where they opened up about filming next summer’s highly anticipated “The Avengers.”

“We are in New Mexico, Albuquerque and off to I think Cleveland next week,” Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor, told Access Hollywood’s Maria Menounos. “Then New York, so [to] be around the country a lot, it’s good.”

The Aussie actor, who portrays the Norse God, warns that Earth’s Mightiest Heroes might also have some of Earth’s biggest heads on their shoulders.

“They all kind of have the same kind of attitude or same kind of egos,” he explained of the rest of the Avengers, which includes Captain America (Evans), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner). “That’s what certainly makes a story interesting is that tension and conflict.”

Chris also hinted at a showdown between Thor and Captain America.

“He’s got a shield, I’ve got a hammer and one’s a god, one’s a human,” he said. “One’s probably a bit more battle smart than the other, but it’ll be a interesting match. I think we’ll get to see some of it in ‘Avengers.’”

Robert Downey Jr. told Maria that he was having a blast suiting up as Iron Man for a third time.

“It’s always a pleasure. I’m a lucky guy… such a fun character,” he said on the red carpet. “It’s really great too working with new folks, like getting to know Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans and [Mark] Ruffalo.”

Robert also hinted at a superhero showdown amongst the Avenger ranks.

“Some of these characters are really are full of themselves,” he explained. “As we know, Tony has become humbled somewhat… [the story] is really smartly thought out… I suspect [fans] might enjoy it.

Captain America himself, Chris Evans, thinks the romance in the film is strong enough to attract ladies to the box office.

“I gotta be honest, [compared with] the majority of superhero movies that I’ve seen, I think we do a really good job establishing a romance,” Chris told MTV News. “I don’t want to give too much away, but I will say everything else in the movie aside, the one thing I think they really did right was the romance.”

And his love interest, Peggy Carter (Haley Atwell), agreed with Chris.

“It’s got a strong, sincere love story running through it,” she said. “Captain America has a sincerity. He’s earnest, and there is a vulnerability about him. He’s not your typical testosterone-fueled man.”

But Sebastian Stan had the best reason of all!

“I feel like you can drive a car on Chris’ chest, so maybe that?” he said. “That might help.

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