
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chavez tumor successfully removed in surgery in Cuba

Emotional speech from Cuba where he said he is recovering, the 56-year-old socialist did not give a timetable for his return to Venezuela and did not name a temporary leader. Here are some implications of his announcement:

* Analysts have long said Chavez has no obvious successor and a prolonged absence could unleash in-fighting among his allies. None of the senior figures in his government have anything like his charisma or national appeal. Ministers came out minutes after Chavez in a joint TV appearance with a pledge of unity and a vow to "deepen" his reforms. Nationalizations and presidential decree powers have been among his most controversial policies.

In his first TV address in three weeks, the Venezuelan leader confirmed that cancerous cells were detected in the tumor removed during the operation, which was done after a June 10 operation that removed a pelvic abscess.

It remained unclear which kind of cancer was involved in the cells and how long he would remain in Cuba for recovery.

There had been speculation in Venezuela about the health of Chavez over the past weeks.

HAVANA, June 29 (Xinhua) -- Cuba's official television Wednesday aired a video of a "fraternal meeting" between former Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez.

In the video, the two leaders met in a garden in the Cuban capital, where Chavez had pelvic surgery earlier this month, and both were wearing sports clothes and reading local newspapers. Full story

Fidel, Raul Castro visit Venezuelan president

HAVANA, June 18 (Xinhua) -- Cuban President Raul Castro and his brother Fidel Castro visited Friday Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who was recovering from a surgery in Havana, and they discussed bilateral and international issues, according to Cuba's official media on Saturday.

Cuba's official daily Granma and the website Cubadebate Saturday published four photographs of the visit, showing Chavez looks good, smiles and wears sports clothing, while Fidel wears a checkered shirt, and Raul wears his military uniform.

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