
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's day celebration in Columbus, Ohio

GRANVILLE -- "This is so much fun, because all you're doing is spreading happiness."

Mike Morris, 73, was wearing a white tuxedo with a gray vest and crisp button-down shirt. He made the statement from the entryway of a CVS store on Broadway, where Morris and the other three members of the Sound House Quartet were waiting incognito to give a surprise Mother's Day performance.

Columbus Ill. —
Lindsey Schindler, from Hannibal, will present the music for the 10:30 a.m. Mother’s Day service at Columbus Christian Church in Columbus, Ill. Columbus is approximately seven miles northeast of the Quincy Airport.
Schindler is a recent graduate of Hannibal-LaGrange University with a bachelor of science in communications. Upon graduating, Lindsey hopes to find a job in public relations/marketing and plans to reside in the Hannibal/Quincy area.

I am blessed to have a mom who is special.

She is a woman of will. More than simply headstrong and determined, she is indomitable — someone who cannot become overcome or subdued.

Spunky, determined, funny — all these words describe Jackie Battley Gingrich. Her sparkling blue eyes, upturned mouth and constant activity belie her age. She is helpful, involved, and active.

She has shaped me in many ways. She watched my ballet and band performances for hours, and cheered me on when I was down. She is convinced that I can do anything, and I almost believe it.

Most importantly, she has provided an example to me through her belief in God and her faith in him. She credits prayer, as well as medicine, for saving her life. She has served as a deacon in her church and still volunteers there.

Read more on Happy Mother's Day
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