
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Google I-O

Google I/O is an annual two-day developer-focused conference, held by Google at Moscone Center in San Francisco, California, featuring highly technical, in-depth sessions focused on building of web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open web technologies such as Android, Chrome, Chrome OS, Google APIs, Google Web Toolkit, App Engine, and more. It was started in 2008. The "I" and "O" stand for "Innovation in the Open", and input/output. The "I" and "O" resemble "1" and "0" as in binary code, but this is not what it stands for. The format of the event is similar to that of the Google Developer Day.

2010 (May 19-20, 2010)
The major themes were Android, App Engine, Chrome, Enterprise, Geo, Google APIs, Google TV, Google Web Toolkit, Social Web, and Google Wave.
Speakers included Aaron Koblin, Adam Graff, Adam Nash, Adam Powell, Adam Schuck, Alan Green, Albert Cheng, Albert Wenger, Alex Russell, Alfred Fuller, Amit Agarwal, Amit Kulkarni, Amit Manjhi, Amit Weinstein, Anders Sandholm, Angus Logan, Anne Veling, Arne Roomann-Kurrik, Bart Locanthi, Ben Appleton, Ben Cheng, Ben Collins-Sussman, et al.

2011 (May 10-11, 2011)
Music Beta by Google was introduced.

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