
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

William's and Kate's inner circle

For Britain's Prince William and his bride-to-be Kate Middleton, while their siblings -- Prince Harry and Pippa Middleton -- are to be best man and maid of honour, the key roles of wedding planners and advisers belong to a small team of royal aides and assistants drawn largely from the ranks of the British military.
For several generations the armed forces have been the finishing school for younger royals such as William and his brother, and the royal family "feels at home with them," according to Charles Kidd, editor of Debretts Peerage, the bible of the British aristocracy.
Before a distinguished military career serving in the first Gulf War in 1991, in the special forces in Bosnia, and then in Colombia fighting drug barons, Lowther-Pinkerton already had experience of serving the royals.
In the 1980s he worked as equerry to the prince's great-grandmother, the late Queen mother, and is considered so close to the prince that his own son, also called William, will be one of the page boys at the wedding.

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