
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Royal Wedding big screen

BIG screen Coventry’s Millennium Place should be switched on in time to broadcast the Royal Wedding.

But the controversial clock set in the pavement in front of it will not be removed by April 29.

The screen, which measures eight metres by four metres, is now in place 25m high on the wall of Coventry Transport Museum.

It has been introduced so the city can broadcast events at next year’s Olympics.

It is estimated the square can accommodate up to 6,000 people and the screen will also be used to link up with local events throughout the year.

Council workers are currently testing the screen to see if it can be switched on for next Friday’s wedding.

Martin Yardley, director of city services and development, said: “We’re currently carrying out final testing of the live screen and everything is currently on schedule for us to screen the Royal Wedding live, with a detailed programme of events now being developed for the summer.”

When the screen was first announced it was revealed that the Millennium Clock was likely to be removed.

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